Nau Mai, Haere Mai
and welcome to our website
Te Mata Peak: A beautiful photo taken atop of Te Karanemanema o Te Mata o Rongokako – Papatūānuku and Ranginui coming together, interweaving what is now, Te Matau-a-Māui

He Waitohu – Our Logo
The triangle symbolises ‘he poutama and whakapapa’, and stands for attainment and success. Upon the poutama or steps, Tāne-o-te-wānanga sought superior knowledge
The meaning ko wai tōu ingoa is a question asked between people meaning, what is your name? Whānau using our services may feel they are missing a part of themselves for whatever reason – and so,
The Hauora provides a platform for whānau to discuss their health and social needs, we listen to their narrative and together, discuss pathways for them to grow and heal
The five whetū or stars represents levels of awareness:
- Whakapapa – who you are;
- Haerenga – where you are going;
- Whatumanawa – your inner emotions;
- Wairua – spiritual and holistic growth;
- Whakamana – being empowered to make decisions with minimal support;
Through a process of guidance using tuākana – teina models of practice, we help our whānau ascend the steps depicted in the logo to achieve their aspirations.
He Moemoea - Our Vision
We acknowledge the value of resources, such as our kaimahi, whānau we support and Stakeholders, and that we all are responsible for nurturing and valuing those resources. We appreciate that care needs to be delivered in the areas where our whānau live. That we maintain kaupapa Māori models of practice while working with whānau for best, measured outcomes for them.
We appreciate the uniqueness of these resources. With it comes cultural values and beliefs that inspires us to respect and nurture that. And we consider it begins by improving the quality of life of whānau through barrier-free accessibility and communication.
Ngā Wāhanga Mahi – Our Services
The Hauora promotes the need for true equity and accessible service provision and positive outcomes for whānau
Rangatahi Service
Our young people are the leaders of tomorrow, and we are committed to supporting rangatahi to reach their full potential, catering to the needs of tamariki and rangatahi aged 5 to 24-years. We offer mentoring and resilience-building wānanga in a safe and well-supported environment.
Whānau Service
We assess and begin working with whānau needing our support, thus providing a wrap-around service as we are able to collaborate with all other service providers in Hawkes Bay. In turn, the use of the whānau, hapū and iwi context, is realised. The beauty of our services is that generational households fit into them.
Kāhui Pakeke Service
We cater to the elderly who do not have adequate access to services and support. We offer a pickup and drop-off service, we provide activities such as Hauora movement, rāranga, waiata and companionship, but most importantly, we help create alliances within the elder community by offering a service that brings them together.
Takatāpui Service
We believe that everyone has the right to be who they truly are. However, sometimes cultural norms and prejudices can limit the rights of people, especially those who identify as takatāpui & fa’afafine. We understand that ideological perspectives stem from a Westernized disinformation and misinformation of gender roles, and we want to help our rainbow community thrive in an otherwise misgiving society.
He Whakaahua Toi – Our Photo Gallery
Ngā Whakaaturanga – Testimonials
“I really like coming to the dinners because I get lonely at home on my own, sometimes I cry cause I wonder where the hell time went.” Kāhui pakeke service.
Martha – In Loving Memory
“Its lovely being able to sit at a table and eat with family, we haven’t done this in a while” Fortnightly Community Dinner – Whānau service.
“You guys are so loving, my moko loves the activities” Rangatahi service
Te Awhina
“I just want to thank you for the support you gave to us when my boy tried to end his life, you walked through the door and we felt your presence and guidance” Rangatahi service.
“I feel special when I go out with the Hauora, I look forward to the outings” Kāhui pakeke service.