kia eke panuku
Playing our Part

He Aha Tātou i Konei – Why Are We Here
The Hauora is a social, health and community support service for the Ngāti Kahungunu region. It evolved from actions acquired by passionate and motivated people seeking to establish a more focused pathway to the delivery of such services to whānau.
The Hauora maintains inclusive networks and considers there to be (3) three whānau;
- Our partner providers we liaise with;
- Our whānau using our services;
- Our Stakeholders and funders;
Essentially, we implement frameworks that are Kaupapa Māori driven, yet flexible enough for all whānau, be it Māori, Pasifika or Tauiwi.
We are a Charitable organisation, led by a Governance Board, cultural advisor and Trust Deed.
He Moemoea - Our Vision
We acknowledge the value of resources, such as our kaimahi, whānau we support and Stakeholders, and that we all are responsible for nurturing and valuing those resources. We appreciate that care needs to be delivered in the areas where our whānau live. That we maintain kaupapa Māori models of practice while working with whānau for best, measured outcomes for them.
We appreciate the uniqueness of these resources. With it comes cultural values and beliefs that inspires us to respect and nurture that. And we consider it begins by improving the quality of life of whānau through barrier-free accessibility and communication.
He Hoaketanga – Our Objective
Our Governance Board raises the need for true equity and accessible service provision and positive outcomes for whānau, based on:
- A commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi;
- Kawa & tikanga Māori practices;
- Western models of care;
- Social models of care;
- Health models of care;
- Culturally diverse models of care;
- Disability Codes;
- Policies & legislation;
- Ethical Codes;
Therefore, we anticipate that we will be treated impartially just like other providers; that we will be assessed on our merits, qualities, credentials and lived experiences, but most importantly, professionalism that is developed on fairness and integrity.

He Tauākī Mīhana – Our Mission Statement
“Take care of our children. Take care of what they hear: take care of what they feel. For how the children grow, will be the shape of Aotearoa”. – Dame Whina Cooper
Our Dedicated Team
They were recipients of the 2021 National Suicide Prevention Lifekeepers and Te Rau Ora Taonga Awards for their contribution to suicide prevention & postvention work in Te Matau-a-Māui. Learn more about who they are below

Stacy Apiata
Kaiwhakahaere Matua - Chief Executive Officer
Stacy is of kāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Tūwharetoa descent. He is the navigator and head of the Hauora, with lived experience and academia, means he can traverse the health & social landscape quite easily for whānau needing support.
His experience at bridging relationships at grassroots as well as governance level is what informs service delivery at the Hauora. He has experience and qualifications in Hauora, mental health & addictions, sociology, suicide prevention and postvention, mana enhancement, health, funeral directing and business acumen.

Jackina Pohatu
Kaiāwhina whaiaro - Executive Assistant
Jackina is of Ngāti Kahungunu and Te Arawa descent. She has experience in administration, book-keeping, reconciliatory of accounts, structuring and service planning acumen.
Jackina has qualifications in Hauora, Health and Disability, computing, and administration. She is the force behind the Hauora and equally enjoys helping facilitate service delivery where she may.

Ernest Seadon
Kaikaute pūtea - Accounts Management
Ernest is of Ngāti Tauiwi descent. He has vast repertoire of experience and knowledge in accounting and business acumen.
With a plethora of qualifications enabling success of the Hauora at a strategic level, his guidance and ability to keep the fiscal integrity of the Hauora intact is where he most shines.

Rita Gore
Kaitātari Kaupapa - Community Support Worker - Policy Advisor
Rita is of Ngāti Tauiwi descent. She is experienced in accounts management, policy writing and quality systems management.
Her 25-years in Health and Disability has enabled her to advocate on behalf of vulnerable people and she considers herself a soundboard for these demographics.
Her use of inquiry-questioning is what makes her unique in this role, all of which helps inform the way our policies are developed and redressed based on her presence in the community.

Rachel Takie-Lewis
Kaitakawaenga Hapori – Community Liaison
Rachel is of Cook Island descent. She is passionate about helping create safer communities and ideally wanted to go into social work. She is currently in her final year of completing a Bachelor of Social Work Degree with the intention of using her knowledge to continue helping others. She’ll be studying while working but we’ll make sure she’s supported.
Rachel is an inquisitive person who isn’t afraid to ask questions about processes. Rachel enjoys spending quality time with her husband. Her role will help weave Cook Island values with our culturally diverse objectives, thus, strengthening best practice for whānau needing our support.

Jean Thomson-Hicks
Kaiārahi Hapori - Community Support
Jean is of Te Arawa descent. She is passionate about preserving whakapapa and she says it begins with helping our people navigate the health and social barriers and inequities that keep them from flourishing. She has spent the last 20 years in social justice roles and considers herself fortunate to have worked with some of society’s most vulnerable; watching them heal, grow and be empowered for change.
Jean has a Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work degree and in her spare time enjoys working out and participating in Iron Māori.

Naomi Epapara
In Loving Memory
Known affectionately as Nanny Nga, she was of Te Arawa descent and a kuia and kaikāranga in her own right and a pillar and pou for her people and our Hauora. As Cultural Advisor to the Board, Nanny Nga had an eye for detail and an ear to help put tikanga and kawa at the forefront of Ko Wai Tōu Ingoa Hauora. She will be sorely missed.